Monday, July 21, 2014

There were some good times during my senior year

I know the last few posts have been really down on my senior year experience. I would like you to know that there were some parts that I did enjoy.

I got to go to the DECA Leadership Conference. I ran for Regional Vice President. There were seven other students from our region from other schools running. I lost, but since I got out of school for a few days, it didn't really matter.

At that conference, I met a couple of interesting people. One was this girl that I thought I had seen before. It took me awhile, but then I realized where I had seen her. She was at Boys State. She worked in the cafeteria at the New Mexico Military Institute and was the only girl our age anywhere on the campus. She got a lot of attention. When I asked her if she was at Boys State, she seemed embarrassed about it.

I also met this other girl named Dawz. Dawz was running for Vice President in her region. One of the things all the candidates had to do was take a multiple choice test. You had to score at least an 85 to get to run. None of the other candidates in her region passed the test, so she automatically became the Vice President.

At that time, I thought of Dawz as the perfect woman. She was very smart, attractive and we appeared to enjoy talking to each other. I would run into her twice more. I saw her at the State DECA conference and during the summer at the National DECA conference. I will go into more detail about her in a later post.

I also got to go to All State for Choir. I didn't get to go my junior year. The day I auditioned then, I had a bad cold and there was just no way I could sound like my normal self or work in the fact that I had been to All State my sophomore year. I felt triumphant in getting to return my senior year.

The entire Choir got to go to a Music Festival in Texas. We competed and as usual, got a 2 for our efforts. (As explained before, a 1 is the highest score.) We also got to spend a lot of time at Six Flags over Texas. About a week after we got home, we found out that we had been awarded the Best in our division. That was a great way to end my school involvement in choir.

And of course, there was the usual graduation and celebrating that took place. I'll go into more details about those later. There's plenty to stay tuned for.

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