Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Girlfriend #7: Jolz, Part 4

I guess I'll just get this part out of the way first and avoid any suspense: Jolz and I did get to the point in which we were actually making love. But there wasn't anything dramatic about the first time, like her getting injured in an altercation beforehand or anything like that. We both knew it was leading to that and it happened. I will say that after Abed and I became roommates, I was the first one to get to "break in" the new apartment.

To my surprise, Jolz expressed an interest in going to see live music with me. I was still going to see several local San Diego singer-songwriters on a regular basis. I just figured she was only interested in country music, so I never considered asking her to go along with me. I mentioned that I was going to see someone I will refer to as Teacher at Brick by Brick. Jolz kept hinting that she wanted me to ask her to go with me. I did ask and she accepted. While Teacher and her husband played music in a pop/jazz vein, Jolz seemed to enjoy it and I got to introduce her to Teacher.

Once I mentioned to Jolz that Abed was going to play as part of an experimental music ensemble at the Casbah. The group consisted of six guitarists. It was organized by a musician I'll refer to as Marrad and included Hird. Jolz said she wanted to go check it out. I knew there was no way she was going to enjoy this performance. I tried to talk her out of it, but she insisted on going.

Before the show started, I took Jolz around to everyone, including Ferd, and introduced her as my girlfriend. She mentioned that I seemed to enjoy telling everyone we were a couple. I guess I did, but I'm pretty certain that behind my back, everyone was saying, "Dang! Fayd likes 'em LARGE!" But that really didn't matter to me. I was more concerned about how she was going to react after everyone got on stage and started playing.

The entire set was basically improvised. Jolz was next to me the entire time. She did not say a word, but she was clearly not enjoying this. However, she never once asked to leave. She stayed through the whole show. Yes, she was a trouper.

After we left the Casbah, she was ranting. "What the heck was that? I'm sitting there, waiting for them to start playing! It seemed like all they were doing was tuning their guitars! And after 15 minutes of that, they said they were going to play another song! Another song? I didn't know that first part was a song! THAT'S NOT MUSIC! IT'S NOISE! I'm thankful they didn't start singing because WHO KNOWS what that would have sounded like?"

I kept telling her that I tried to warn her. After that, she was very cynical anytime I invited her to go with me to experience live music. "It's not going to be like the Casbah, is it?"

Jolz would go with me to these local performances from time to time to hear music that was definitely more pleasing to her ear. There was a rather accomplished San Diego singer-songwriter I will refer to as Leed. I kept trying to get Jolz to go with me to see her. I think she was rather intimidated by Leed, even though she'd never met her. Leed had recently published a book and I had bought a copy. I saw Jolz looking at it when she was at my apartment. She was probably thinking, "This is someone who's had a book published. I can't meet this person. What would I say?"

She would always agree to go with me to see her, but then back out at the last second, claiming she wasn't feeling well or had a headache. Sometimes, this happened right after we made love. Well, you know that made me feel good.

And of course, you know she didn't care much for the music I composed. What kind of girlfriend was this?

But I was about to end up seeing less of her. More on that tomorrow.

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