Thursday, February 13, 2014

High School Enemies: Byd

I've spent the last week and a half telling about friends from my sophomore year. Now, let's go to the other side and discuss some people that I was at odds with.

Byd was a senior and was in my Physical Education class. I considered him one of the worst kinds of bullies. He was one of these guys who would start off acting like he was your friend and later make snide remarks about you in front of every one else. I would rather get beaten up than be treated like that.

I hadn't realized at first, but I had heard of Byd when I was in the ninth grade. There was this girl in my class named Diad. She was one of the cheerleaders. She talked about how she was dating this boy in high school named Byd. She had written his name over and over in her notebook, like "Diad loves Byd" and so on, sometimes framed by hearts.

The way she talked about him, I thought he was a pretty cool guy. I was shocked beyond belief when I found that this jerk in my PE class was the same guy. I overheard him telling some of the other guys that he started dating Diad because he had heard that she was the hottest girl in my class. Then, he saw this other girl named Gwed from my class and found out he was wrong. He didn't know what to do.

He continued seeing Diad, but when I saw them together, I felt bad for her knowing that he would rather be with someone else on the basis of hotness. Diad and I were not good enough friends for me to tell her what I heard.

Fortunately, as I mentioned before, I only had to deal with him for one semester because I took Tennis after the winter break. I don't know what other classes he was taking during the day.

Byd had a sister named Miz who was a year older than me. She was very attractive and I always wondered why she never seemed to have any boyfriends. After I met Byd, I figured out that no one considered her worth dating because they would have to deal with him on a regular basis.

Byd also had another sister two years younger than me. A friend in my class got her pregnant and had to marry her. (This was the same friend from Hermosa who had moved to the Central district without changing schools.) When I saw the wedding announcement in the paper, I felt very bad for him. He was going to have to deal with two completely forms of trouble in his marriage. The first was Byd and the second was knowing that he could never be with Miz. I guess it was too much because it looks like she got married to someone else and had kids with him.

It also looks like Byd himself never got to reproduce. Judging by the obituary for his mother, none of her grandchildren had the same last name. I don't know if he got married, but if he did, there weren't any children, or at the very least, none who lived long enough.

I think we can all be thankful for that.

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