Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ring Zone #4: Cynz

(What's a Ring Zone? Click here!)

The first time I met Cynz was on Sunday, 09/03/89. I went to the Mayan Theatre to see the French film "Kung Fu Fighter." (Yes, I was aware it wasn't a martial arts film.) She was working the box office. She told me I could stay for the film "La Lectrice" as they were being played together as a double feature. I can't remember why, but I had to get up early the next morning (probably because I was doing something with Bez on Labor Day). I decided not to stay for the second movie.

After I started working there, I got to know Cynz better. She was in her late 30s, but had gray hair. It still looked good on her. She wore glasses. I found out later that she was married and had two children. She was very intelligent and friendly. After Bez broke up with me, I started developing a bond with her, but I didn't intend for that to happen.

Of course, that bond turned into a full-blown crush and I always looked forward to the shifts I would be working with her. I enjoyed the slow weeknights because I was able to spend more time talking to her. We had a blast discussing movies and current events and griping about upper-level management.

I remember meeting her husband for the first time. She had put his name on the pass list and he came alone. He was tall, in his early 40's and had thinning hair. He didn't look like he was too different from me, except that he didn't wear glasses. Cynz also did not have the same last name as him. I actually got to talk to him quite a bit during the time that I worked there. He was very friendly as well.

When Cynz came to the theatre for press screenings, we would often sit together. This got kind of awkward for me when we were screening the Spanish film "Lovers." It was very sexually charged, but she acted like there was nothing out of the ordinary going on.

I'm pretty certain Cynz was aware that I had a crush on her. She kind of hinted at it from time to time, but I never tried to make any moves on her. One night, I had a dream in which I was sitting next to her in a movie theatre. Her husband was on the other side. I tried to hold her hand, but she slapped it away. I thought, "Why would I do something like that when her husband is right there?" Then I realized that if this was really happening, I wouldn't have done that. I was dreaming! I immediately grabbed her and started making out with her on the theatre floor before I woke up. I never told her about that dream.

Cynd could be a real friend at times. Once, my car was stolen. (That's another story.) I was able to get her to drive me to the impound lot to retrieve my car. Her kids were with her at the time. This was the first time I'd met them. After I got my car, Cynd followed me all the way home to make sure I got back okay. She had to do this because I had a wobbly wheel.

I should add that I was not the only person at the theatre that she had in the Ring Zone. There was another employee who was in his 40s and was a confirmed bachelor. He was very good friends with her. They actually hung out outside of work more than she and I did.

After I moved to San Diego, I continued to keep in contact with her. I got to see her a couple more times when I came through Denver to visit. I remembered when her birthday was and called her on her 50th. Once, she and her family were in a major car accident. Everyone was injured, but her daughter got it the worst. She got sliced by the seatbelt and lost a leg and some of her intestines. The doctors said she would never be able to have children. I did get to see Cynz and her children one last time after the accident. Her daughter seemed to be coping okay and had the attitude of a typical teenager. The loss of her limb did not crush that part of her spirit.

I haven't been in touch with Cynz in more than 10 years. I found her Facebook profile. I actually locataed it after finding the profile of that other guy who liked her. He happens to be friends with her. Other things I found on the Internet indicate that she lives in Greeley, CO. Her husband has his own architectural firm in Fort Collins. I found his photo on LinkedIn, but I have not been able to find hers as she's one of those people who don't post pictures of themselves.

I plan on sending her an invitation to be friends on Facebook, but I'll probably wait a couple of months. I certainly don't want her to find this post without thoroughly treading my blog. She'd probably unfriend me as soon as she finds this.

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