Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Pretend Marriage #1: Chez, Part 3

With this post, I'm going to focus on Chez' life before she and Joad moved out to San Diego to be with me. A lot of this I didn't know about until I came and picked her up from Clovis, NM. But it all had an impact on our lives together.

Chez' best friend was a woman named Dawd. The day that I barely missed Chez in Roswell was the day she moved out of her parents' house to live with Dawd and her boyfriend. Chez later confessed to me that she wound up having sex with the boyfriend. She said he kept pestering her, so she just gave in to shut him up. (This meant I confirmed she was lying to me that one time when she told me she hadn't had sex with anyone. However, she did not acknowledge that she had intentionally deceived me.) Afterward, she and Dawd decided to go back and get their high school diplomas and were in Job Corps together. Chez told me they tended to get into a lot of trouble. So much trouble that when they were supposed to get their diplomas, they were told the ceremony would be at a specific time, but they found out they were holding it earlier for everyone else in the program. They protested and were able to graduate with everyone else in their class.

Chez said that Dawd didn't think much of me after I came back into her life. Dawd thought I was a jerk because I had abandoned Chez, led her on and almost got married to someone else. Yes, Dawd had good reasons for not liking me, even though she'd never met me, so I can't blame her for that. The real problem was that Dawd's influence likely led to Chez deciding she didn't want to have anything to do with me and attempting to break off communications. This led to her getting drunk and stoned at a party where she got pregnant about a month after I last saw her.

After she had the baby, she made it quite clear to everyone, including Dawd, that she didn't want to have anything to do with Road. However, Road went to Dawd and talked her into getting Chez to agree. Apparently, Dawd was able to take advantage of her influence over Chez to get her to talk to Road. If it weren't for that, Chez probably would have been able to steer clear of him, especially considering he wasn't going to pay child support anyway. Chez told me that all he did was work jobs in which he got paid under the table. (When I first wrote that sentence, it came out as "did jobs under the table." I'm not THAT vindictive.)

As he continued to force his way into their lives, he would make attempts to be a father to Joad. But these never really worked out well enough for Chez to ever have any respect for him in that capacity. She told me about the first time he changed a poopy diaper. It involved him vomiting several times. (Although I doubt he vomited as much as Chez said he did.) Once, Road had brought home some KFC and she told him to give Joad a piece, so he gave him the bone from a piece he just finished. "MY CHILD IS NOT A DOG!" (I have a feeling, though, that this was probably related to an earlier incident in which he bought some food, had to give some to Joad, who then proceeded to smear it into the carpet. That would have been a waste of food that he paid money for and didn't want that to happen again. But that is just speculation and certainly not justification.) There was at least one time that he was able to get Joad to go to sleep after Chez had practically collapsed from exhaustion. After putting him to bed, Joad tried to crawl into bed with Chez, but she got upset with him for trying to do that.

On top of this, Road would frequently demand sex from Chez. While he apparently never coerced her to the point that it would be considered rape, she would often give in and get it over with. She said that he complained once that she was "awful dry." "Well, what was he expecting?"

All throughout this, Chez and Road hung out with Dawd and her boyfriend JD. JD was Dawd's boyfriend throughout Chez' pregnancy and after. JD was one of those guys who tried to have sex with just about every woman he met and often succeeded. (You've heard the "statistic" about 20% of men getting 80% of the sex? He would be in that 20%.) This meant that he was not faithful to Dawd. I think she knew, but didn't really care. Chez said she'd heard that JD had sex with a transgender woman. By that, I mean, he had sex with someone who had a penis, AND he was fully aware that person had a penis. In addition, he'd slept with Chez' sister Pid and yes, even Chez herself.

Chez says they frequently had sex when Road wasn't around. Chez talked like she always enjoyed it when he came over to sleep with her. While she was always trying to push Road away, she would welcome JD just about anytime. She said that he knew how to talk to a woman to get her in the mood, and that he didn't f***, he "made love."

But that all came to an end when JD got arrested. He was working at a gas station and pulled some kind of inside job to rob the place. Somehow, the cops got him to confess and he was sentenced to five years. Chez claims to be the last woman he slept with before he was incarcerated.

If you thought I was getting irritated at hearing her tell me about all this, you're right. But I didn't let it show. I just let her talk and I didn't ask any questions.

However, there was a reason she was talking about all this, and I'll get into that tomorrow.

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