Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Follow-up on the Relationship Wreckers and Others

Before I get into the next phase of my relationship with Kelz, I thought I would do the final word on a some of the characters who were heavily involved in the previous phase. After these encounters, I'll never have to mention them again.

A couple of weeks after I had moved into the cottage, I was driving home from work. The route I took to get to the cottage was similar to the route I took to get to the old apartment. Out of a force of habit, I drove to the old apartment and pulled into my parking space. Jaid was outside and waved at me. I waved back and realized I was at the wrong house. I lowered my head, backed up my car and drove to my new place. That was the last time I saw Jaid.

A couple of months later, I drove home from work. I passed the street for the old apartment. On the opposite side of the road, I saw Krud walking toward his apartment. Kelz and Sasd happened to be in the cottage at the time. (I will be getting to that in a later post.) I knew that he had just been at the cottage visiting with Kelz. But I didn't ask her about it. I just KNEW! That was the last time I saw Krud and I'm pretty certain he didn't see me.

(I should point out that I would continue to deal with Krud's mother and step-father as Kelz and Sasd were staying at their house. But I am grateful that he was never there when I was.)

A year later, I was shopping at Lucky. I took my groceries out to my car. I suddenly heard a voice behind me. "Hey! Didn't you used to know Kelz?" I turned around and found myself face to face with Wod. He asked, "Do you remember me?" Trying to keep the straightest face I could, I said, "No, I don't." I turned back around, got in my car and drove off without looking back. I would never see him again.

While I'm at it, I'll also give the final word on Brod, Sasd's father. Kelz told me that he came over to the apartment a couple of weeks after she had been born. (I didn't have a problem with this. I just didn't like how he likely freaked me out the first night we were home.) A few weeks after I had abandoned Kelz and Sasd, I had planned a trip to New Mexico and Denver. (That's coming up.) The day before I left, I was getting my mail from the personal mail box I used for my music business (and eventually became my permanent mailbox in San Diego). As I was going inside, I heard someone holler at me. I turned around and saw Brod in a car with some woman I'd never met before. I was surprised to see him, because just a few weeks earlier, he had been in the hospital getting treated for cancer (which was a story I didn't go into detail about). He seemed genuinely happy to see me and asked how I was doing. I asked how his recovery was going. He said he felt great, and that was it. I have no idea where he is now.

And even though she didn't play much of a role in all this, I saw the neighbor who first greeted us when Kelz came back from the hospital with Sasd. She lived in the unit underneath Krud's apartment. This was more than a year after I had moved out. I was getting into my car at McDonald's when she came up to me. She told me there was mail waiting for me at the old apartment. I drove over there. I quickly went into the common area where the mailbox was and saw an envelope stuck on the outside to be returned to the sender. It was a wedding invitation from my cousin Jend. I thought it was a strange coincidence that the day I had mail, I ran into that neighbor.

I don't remember any of their full names, so I wasn't able to find them on the Internet. I have a feeling that all three Relationship Wreckers wound up getting arrested one way or another.

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