Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Relationship Wreckers - Wod (Part 2)

One night after 10pm, Wod and Twod came over. Kelz went out and talked to them in the common area of the apartment building. This went on for a couple of hours. I didn't say anything to her. I hoped that this wouldn't become a regular thing.

But it did. A couple of nights later, Wod and Twod returned. They were both drinking 40-ounce bottles of Cobra. (In my current job, I deal with insurance. When someone says they have COBRA, that's the image that comes to mind.) Wod was getting loud and obnoxious, unnecessarily laughing every couple of minutes. This went on for a couple of hours.

And then they came over again the next night with Cobra. Wod was laughing louder than the night before. It seemed like all he wanted to do was get into a confrontation with someone from the apartments. So I gave him that confrontation. I went outside and tried to talk to him like a reasonable person. I said, "Wod, we can't have you coming here every single night and making noise. There are people here trying to sleep. Maybe we can work something out where you can come over, at most, two nights a week. But you can't come here every night and do this." He responded, "Who do you think you are, coming out here and gritting your teeth at me? Kelz wants me here and there's nothing you can do about it. Besides, I've seen that bruise you gave Kelz!" He was referring to an incident in which one of the kids in the building had bit her. The thing was, he was there when it happened. And I told him that. He replied, "Well, I'm going to tell the cops you did that!" Around this time, Twod asked Kelz, "So, who is this guy? Is he your brother?"

I was about to say something else in anger, but Kelz pushed me to go back into the apartment. Wod was apparently someone who couldn't be reasoned with unless you used violence. He wasn't a big guy, but I'm certain I wouldn't have been able to do enough damage to him to keep him from being the victor in an actual battle. So I had to come up with a different tactic. I got dressed, went outside and told Kelz I had to go to work. I actually went to work at 1am. (I wasn't going to be able to sleep anyway.) This forced her to bring Wod and Twod's visit to a close, because she was not going to let them in the apartment with the baby.

I thought the incident had some impact, because they didn't come back the next night. However, it turned out they had been arrested for public intoxication and were put into detox. He came back a couple of days later and was banging on our front door, yelling for Kelz. Kelz asked me to put Sasd's crib in the bedroom. She stayed close to me and was obviously frightened. After a while, Wod went away. I hoped we wouldn't see him again.

The next day, after I came home from work, Wod was in the apartment. I thought, "Really?" While he was there, Wod kept saying that he was able to borrow his brother's car and that he wanted to take Kelz out of town to do something. She refused to go, but he kept asking. They didn't go anywhere. I was thankful for that.

So, I don't know how this happened, but he wound up actually living with us. (I can hear you pulling your hair out.) He was sleeping on our spare bed and it didn't look like he was going to go anywhere. This was typical of Kelz, to allow something to happen without discussing it with me (because she knew I was going to say no).

I knew it was pointless to fight with them, so again, I went another route. I went to my property management company and told them the situation. I said I was going to need to move out. They told me about a cottage nearby that was about to become vacant. It only required $100 deposit and had the same monthly rent, but I wouldn't be able to move in until the first of the month, which was still a few weeks away. I then came up with a genius idea. I asked them to serve us with an eviction notice because of the unauthorized resident. (Really, Kelz was unauthorized because I had her name removed from the lease.) I said that I could just pretend to move all my stuff out, wait for her, Sasd and Wod to leave and then move all my stuff back in.

It wound up not being that complicated. After the manager went over and delivered the eviction notice to Kelz, she called me at work. "Did you tell them Wod was living with us?" I said, "They called me and said someone had reported him. They asked if it was true." Kelz then hung up the phone. When I got home, Wod was no longer at the house. (But he was not out of our lives. He'll show up in future posts.)

I still kept my plans to move out of the apartment at the end of June. I just wasn't going to tell Kelz anytime soon.

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