Thursday, September 14, 2017

Relationship Wreckers - Jaid

At the apartment complex where we lived, there was a two-bedroom apartment next door to us. The people in there told us they were moving. This was before all the drama started. Kelz and I pondered the prospect of moving in there so we could have more space for Sasd. However, I wouldn't have had enough money for the deposit upfront.

When the neighbors moved out, they offered to sell us their bed for $20. I gave them the money. We brought their bed, which was in better condition, into the bedroom and moved the old bed into the living room.

About a month later, we had new neighbors move in. There were four people. One was a muscular black man named Jaid. There were two rather attractive women. One of them was in her late 20s and sort of looked like Courtney Love. The other was in her early 20s and had a baby boy a little older than Sasd. Even though the baby had a black father, Jaid was not the baby daddy.

Kelz got to know them. It turned out he was a drug-dealing pimp and the women worked for him as prostitutes. Kelz said he used to be a professional bodybuilder and had won a Mr. California competition one year. (However, what research I could come up with indicates that no one with his first name has ever won a Mr. California competition. I found someone with a similar first name listed in second place in the short division one year, but I never learned Jaid's last name, so I don't know if that was him.)

Jaid did not appear to be your average stereotypical pimp. He was very articulate. He didn't wear outrageous clothes or carry a cane. However, when he bought a car, it was a Cadillac. And the women did not dress like the prostitutes I saw frequenting El Cajon Blvd. They would typically wear nice-looking little black dresses and looked more like professional escorts.

When I came home from work one day, I found Jaid in the grassy area next to the parking. He was shuffling his feet around. I asked him what he was doing. He said, "I left something out here and now I can't find it."

I guess it was a stash of drugs that he was going to deliver later. Supposedly, Krud had found it and invited Jaid's women up to his apartment for a little party. Jaid said he didn't mind what his women did on their free time, but he really didn't like that they were probably doing it with his drugs.

Even though I thought I got along with him, Jaid wasn't above stirring up trouble for me. He had gone over the property management to see if they had any apartments available. They told him I was moving out. He came back and told that to Kelz. This was about a week before I was going to tell her. I had planned to give her a two-day notice. Now, I was going to have a lot more drama to deal with.

And I'm pretty certain Kelz went to Jaid and offered to work for him. His response probably started with laughter, followed by, "You're too fat and ugly. Nobody's going to pay money to have sex with you!"

The day of the move, I went to Jaid's apartment and talked to him. He said, "You know Kelz has slept with Krud, right?" "Yeah, I don't really care right now." I said some other disparaging things about Kelz before going back to my place. The walls were very thin and Kelz could hear the whole conversation. She was very angry at the things I had said. I didn't care about that, either.

One good thing about Jaid is that after he moved in, Wod stopped coming around so much. I mean, he still came over, but it was a lot less frequent and he was never there late at night.

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