Thursday, September 21, 2017

Trying to close the era

I thought the end of my relationship with Kelz was about to happen. I just had to wait a couple of weeks before I would get to move into my new apartment. In the meantime, I did whatever I had to in order to keep my sanity intact.

One bad consequence is that my Mom called my house one day to let me know that she was planning a trip to come out to see me, Kelz and Sasd. Because Kelz was home and could hear every word I was saying, I told Mom that it would be a great idea for her to come out. I hoped that she wouldn't book the flight right away.

The next day, I called her from work. She had already made the reservations. I told her I was abandoning Kelz and Sasd and moving into a new apartment. She was very disappointed because she had already spent the money. I said she could go ahead, come out and stay with me for a couple of days and we'd have a nice visit, but she probably wouldn't get to see Sasd. I felt like a connection with family was something I needed around this time. She continued with her plans.

Since I attempted to report Kelz to CPS, we had not been intimate. She usually slept in the bed in the living room. That meant I had to tend to Sasd in the middle of the night. Fortunately, she rarely woke up.

One morning, I woke up to go to work. Kelz was asleep on the bed in the living room and Twod was sleeping next to her. They were both fully clothed and apart, so I don't think anything happened between them. I just left without saying anything. Kelz told me later that she heard Sasd crying and wondering why I wasn't doing anything. She got up and found out I wasn't there. She didn't get mad, but was surprised she didn't hear me leave.

A couple of nights later, we were watching some porn videos that she had borrowed from Krud. We started to fool around. Suddenly, I saw a blood stain on her pants near her crotch. Nope, it wasn't going to happen that night.

And as it turned out, the opportunity would not arise again while we lived at the apartment. Soon after that, she found out from Jaid that I had been planning to move out. She was angry that I had been keeping this from her for the past few weeks. I told her that I had planned to let her know a couple of days before it happened (but that wasn't true). I said that I couldn't put up with her nonsense anymore and I had to get out (which was true). She kept asking where she and Sasd were going to go. I didn't know, but she had more time to figure it out. I had honestly reached that point that I didn't care enough to try to set something up for her.

I don't know why I did this, but we were driving around with Sasd and I decided to show her the cottage where I was moving. When I opened the front door, the first thing she saw was the foam mattress on the floor. "Oh, I see this is where you've been bringing your women!" She looked around further and shook her head at the size of the cottage. "Oh, no! We can't live here." Well, I wasn't asking them to move in!

Nothing else happened until the day of the big move. As you'll find out on Monday, THAT was a day of drama!

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