Thursday, October 26, 2017

A Momentary Follow-Up

While yesterday's post was very long, it could have been even longer if I had decided to include the information from today's article. I definitely had more things to discuss in the period of time that occurred between the sit-com moment and just a few years ago.

I don't think that I attended any more of LocalSinger's shows after the moment. The guilt I was living with really made it difficult to enjoy her performances after that. And I knew that one day, my identity was going to come out and be out of my control. So, by not going to her shows any more, I was able to completely avoid any further awkward situations.

LocalSinger never became someone who was wildly successful. She was able to make some kind of living as a performer, but she never reached the heights that she was fully capable of. I felt bad that Kelz made her go through something she wasn't ready for at a relatively early stage of her career for and probably never had to experience again.

One thing I didn't find out until later was that LocalSinger and Jazzer were very good friends. If I'd known that, I would have dropped her name instead of Appalachian's. I've always wondered if LocalSinger ever told Jazzer about the threats. And if she did, she probably mentioned my name. "Fayd? I met his girlfriend! She was crazy! I mean, Fayd's okay, but she had something wrong with her!" That conversation would have helped smooth things over, but I doubt it happened.

And there were other people she knew who'd had some minor contact with Kelz, including PuertoRican, Jez and two other people I'll refer to as "SeasonChanger" and "Catcher." I don't know that any of them could have given her much information or even remembered Kelz.

I'd put all of this out of my mind for about ten years. In 2010, I started a profile on Facebook. I was able to reconnect with a lot of people I knew from the San Diego music scene back then. After a few months, Facebook was suggesting friends I might connect with based on my current list of friends. One of them was LocalSinger. My first thought was, "Oh, no! If they're suggesting her to me, that means they're suggesting me to her. This is going to stir all that stuff up again for her!" I hope that she just ignored those suggestions, but it's possible she recognized me as that guy who used to come to her shows whose name she thought was "Perd."

Facebook no longer suggests her as a recommendation to me and I hope I no longer show up on hers. I would feel a lot better if she just completely forgot all about me.

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